
On my mind – ‘Sunshine all the time makes a desert’

The moment I saw the quote, ‘sunshine all the time makes a desert’, something sparked my mind. That quote, for me, is fairly straight-forward.

The moment I saw the quote, ‘sunshine all the time makes a desert’, something sparked my mind. That quote, for me, is fairly straight-forward. If you have sunshine all the time, you’re going to have problems with other things. Let’s look at it this way; a plant can’t live with only sunshine all the time, it also needs water to live. This may sound like I’m out of line, but just hear me out. Winning all the time is bad for you, like having only sunshine is bad for plants. Without an occasional loss, how do you know the thrill of victory? Without the occasional setback, how would we know the satisfaction of completion? Sometimes, in life, we go through a few setbacks that hold us back from doing whatever we want to do with our lives. But, defeat can be our best teacher and we should learn from it and not give up, just like that. If you only know sunny days, how will you know the glory and the majesty of the mighty thunderstorms, the awesome power of a hurricane or the brilliance of an evening display of lightning? Similarly, a variety of life experiences helps to smooth you and stimulate you from all directions, rather than just rub you the same way all the time. Be flexible and take whatever life throws at you. Remember to duck, from time to time, if something particularly unpleasant (and duck-able) is headed your way. Always keep your attitude as positive as you can manage. Even in the desert, the sun eventually sets, and the heat drops off a little bit.

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