
On my mind – Keeping your distance

I’ve come to realised that not everyone will love you and it’s sometimes best to keep your distance from those who make you feel less needed in their lives.

I’ve come to realised that not everyone will love you and it’s sometimes best to keep your distance from those who make you feel less needed in their lives. We all want to feel loved and needed by our significant others but it’s often the other way around. People change and they can also change their attitude towards you. If we clearly see that our presence is not being appreciated by someone we are with, why would we continue to force ourselves upon them? We all need some time alone and, sometimes, people’s actions will show you that they do not want you around and that they do not appreciate your presence. It’s best to keep your distance from the people who make you feel insignificant. It’s painful to find out that the people you thought loved you and whom you have known for a very long time all of a sudden change their attitude towards you. It may be that they see no reason to be with you or to hang out with you anymore or perhaps they need time alone and don’t want to be bothered. If you see such signs in someone you are/were close to, you’ll have to learn to keep your distance from them. Those people choose to show you and not tell you that they want to be left alone because they think words will make things even worse. So, rather see the signs early and know what to do.

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