
On my mind – The devil finds work for idle hands

Bored teenagers may very easily be tempted to start hanging out in bad company, just for the sake of entertainment.

Bored teenagers may very easily be tempted to start hanging out in bad company, just for the sake of entertainment.

Similarly, boredom may just as easily cause them to experiment with cigarettes, alcohol or even drugs. It is not uncommon for a young person with nothing to do, to get involved in illegal activities to get the adrenaline going. The clever ones may be seduced by hacking computers, creating new viruses or cracking the systems of multinational companies and governmental organisations. By training their brains, they can also ensure for themselves a generous dose of excitement.
Those who are not that intelligent could commit some or other crime, just for kicks.
The innocent ones that stay at home and watch TV run the risk of becoming couch potatoes. Too little exercise and too much junk food in front of a television screen leads to passivity and a whole lot of health issues.
Considering all of the above, it is clear that boredom definitely has a number of negative outcomes.
We may all have different opinions about boredom.
A bored person is constantly on the lookout for something to do. Once you find it, the chances are good that it will get you into trouble.
Take a kid, for example. With nothing better to do, he decides to explore the house. In the process, he either breaks something he shouldn’t be touching, or goes where he knows he shouldn’t.
When the offence is exposed, his parent(s) starts yelling at him. And, because he is bored and frustrated, he gets mad and yells right back. From there, it’s all downhill. Fights with you parents or siblings lead to being grounded or something. And, usually, when that happens, you get even angrier and just explode and can’t handle yourself.
Just think about it. You could have saved yourself a whole lot of trouble if you had only looked for something worthwhile to do.
No, boredom isn’t the cause of the trouble, but the lack of anything better to do for those who cannot be bothered to find something to do.

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