
Let’s talk about it – We can all do with some encouragement

We all need to be encouraged at some point of our lives.

We all need to be encouraged at some point of our lives.

It is our duty in fact as people to ensure that we pass encouragement to one another in our endeavours. I am personally grateful to the readers who have given me feedback regarding my column, the encouragement that I have received has humbled me so much and it has at the same time motivated me to keep writing.

It has also shown me a sign that I am on the right track. I feel it is important to acknowledge a person when they are doing something right or good, rather than notice them only when they are in the wrong. It seems to me that people would rather notice your faults than see when you are doing good.

I don’t think it is right to see a person only when they are at fault and when they do make a mistake, to point it out to them. I think most people operate this way because that is how we have been taught to think. Being judgemental is absolutely no good for our progress as society. Encouragement, on the other hand, gives one hope and the courage to continue with what they are doing. Surely, this is the way we should live.

Encouraging another is a two-way street. You don’t only help them, you are actually helping yourself at the same time. Your words of motivation will touch the other individual and, at the same time, it will show them that you are supporting them. They will obviously respect you a lot more than someone who breaks them down. When you encourage someone, you actually bless that person and they, in turn, become a blessing to others. This is what we should all live up to – striving to use our lives to be a blessing to others. That is why we are here, but we would rather spend time cursing each other and being negative.

I do not think there are many people that know they have the ability to bless another individual. But, once you become in touch with yourself, you will realise how important you are to this world. You came here to add to this life. You may contribute what you can offer, through your gifts or through your personality but, most importantly, through the way you treat others around you.

Let us make life easier for one another by encouraging each other. When you see someone doing a good thing don’t shy away from complimenting that person. When you see someone dressed well, do not be afraid to say to that person, “Damn you look good”. Who knows? You might be the only person to say that to them and it can do wonders for their self-esteem. We all need recognition, we all want to feel respected or wanted and the thing is, we as humans are responsible for one another. If we could only move away from this “individualism” thing, then we would be able to see the bigger picture.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me. May we learn to be an encouragement to others more often because we are here to create stars to shine and shed their light for a beautiful future.

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