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Beryl Street not looking good

Residents staying in this street complain about various problems.

A section of Beryl Street near the Carletonville CBD is not getting the necessary attention from our municipality.

Motorists have to be very careful while driving in Beryl Street near the Jade Street T-junction. Although this street, that runs parallel with Annan Road, is sometimes very busy, it is narrow and filled with potholes.

The road surface is also very uneven due to many potholes being spot-filled in the past. Not even pedestrians, however, are safe as there is a dangerous storm water drain near the same corner. Half of its square cover has been stolen and someone placed a round maintenance hole cover on top to stop falling in.

This cover protrudes over the rest of the storm water drain, and people can easily trip over it at night. Meanwhile the open stand at the corner is also filled with rubbish, especially heaps of bottles.

“We used to clean it ourselves, but the people come to dump here at night. The municipality just doesn’t care,” a resident told the Herald.

The newspaper took the issues to the Merafong City Local Municipality on Monday, but received no reply by printing time.

The dangerous manhole cover.
Some of the rubbish thrown on the open stands.

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