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Thugs strike infrastructure

Criminals are increasingly targeting our municipal infrastructure.

Observant residents of Carletonville saw that criminals had started stealing the metal crossbars holding up electrical pylons this week. Several on the sidewalk on Reinecke Street between Agnew Road and Boundary Street had been affected.
Thieves had stolen all the metal crossbars supporting the four legs of the pylon closest to the four-way crossing at Agnew Road and Reinecke Street by 14:00.
Another near Waterbok Street had only one leg with all its supporting metal bars intact. The second had a thicker bar and two narrower supports, while all the other braces were missing from the other two.
For the past two weeks, residents in this area have complained of increasing shots fired at night, pointing to increased criminal activity.
“I first reported this to the municipal call centre on 21 April. When I phoned again today to hear when they will attend to it, the call centre operator pretended not to know what I was talking about. I think they do not check their system.
“This is going to leave the whole town without electricity for a long time, but the municipality does not seem to care,” says Mrs Antoinette Schoombie, a resident living near the pylons, on Wednesday.
“We urge the public to be aware of this crime and report it to the police.
“Earlier this month, large parts of Pretoria were plunged into darkness when pylons collapsed because their crossbars were missing,” warned councillor Carlos Rebelo.
Meanwhile, criminals continued to steal cables in the area, while armed robbers even targeted the Welverdiend sewerage last Sunday.
Two security guards were on duty when eight to ten thugs stormed up to them. Some of the criminals spoke Sotho, while others spoke Zulu.
The intruders kicked the door of the security office open and stole the hand radios before proceeding to dig up and steal copper cables at the facility.
“The Municipality is aware of this serious issue, and is dealing with the matter. Assessments has been done and the municipality has ordered the parts. Unfortunately, there is not much the municipality can do regarding the theft as it is a police matter,” the municipal spokesperson said about the damaged pylons.

This pylon near Waterbok Street only has one leg with all its supporting metal bars left.

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