
Graveyard not looking neat

Residents whose loved ones are buried in the Carletonville Graveyard complain that it is not looking neat.

“The park area, where the municipality must cut all the grass, is looking unkept and the grass is getting very long. The other areas are looking even worse,” a resident complained to the Herald last week.
“It is a disgrace that things are looking like this,” he complains.
When the newspaper visited the facility, some of weeds and grass were about knee-high in places. A small tree had also fallen over onto some of the graves.
The Herald took the issues to the municipality.
“The municipality has a scheduled programme as the matter will also be attended to as soon as possible,” was their response.

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Adele Louw

Adele has been in the community media since 1997, first in Mpumalanga and since 2008 in Gauteng, and is passionate about giving a voice to residents of all communities.

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