
Money Matters – What is financial protection?

Our lives are subject to some form of uncertainty at some point, and we are responsible for protecting ourselves through financial products.

Below, we discuss the benefits of financial protection.
Peace of mind – The right financial protection may give you peace of mind by being comfor- table that you have a cushion to fall back on if something unforeseen occurs. Having the proper financial protection will help you remain on track when things go wrong. A typical example is death, an event that does not announce when it is about to strike nor check whether you have funds in your bank account. Protect what is important to you – What are you most worried about should something happen in your life? To some, it would be providing food, school fees, shelter, car instalments, and debts. Having the right financial protection minimises the impact of an adverse event.
Allow yourself time to bounce back – having the right financial protection can give you time to recover or regroup without worrying about other financial commitments.
For example, you may be tempted to resume work for financial reasons, even while you are still sick. However, this could hamper your recovery.
Financial protection policies are widely available on the market. It is vital to purchase those that fit your needs and budget.– Sibusiso is a professional in the financial services sector in Carletonville.

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