
Former school leader in big position

Carletonville has every reason to be proud of a young woman who grew up in our area and recently secured an important corporate position.

A former deputy head girl of both Carleton Jones High School and Rockland Primary School, Keletso Mpisane (35), has been given a chance to showcase her leadership skills in the corporate space of motor insurance.
Insurance giant MiWay has appointed her as the new head of its fully digital motor insurance division, MiWay Blink. Mpisane has been promoted to the position after serving as the digital-only offerings’ senior manager of Digital Lead (Product and Project) since its inception a year ago. She directed and organised its implementation and launch.
The message from the insurer is clear – continuity is still important, and elevating a senior manager to the top position resoundingly speaks to this.
Mpisane has seen all the cogs turn the wheel to get the company in motion over the last year. She has turned the ‘pay-as-you-drive’ offering into a force to be reckoned with within its market.
This is an achievement she is proud of. “One of my career highlights is launching MiWay Blink and being appointed as the second employee before we even had a name,” she says.
Mpisane, who matriculated from Carleton Jones High School in 2004 and has a BCom: Honours in Information Systems from the University of Witwatersrand, is carving her path and trailblazing in a territory usually dominated by men.
However, she was not new to the insurance business when she joined the mother company six years ago as a product owner for COO and CIO initiatives, having cut her teeth elsewhere in the industry before.
From little acorns, mighty oaks grow, as the saying goes. She undoubtedly showed leadership qualities from a young age, having been the deputy head girl in primary and high school. This was an intro- duction to a leadership path that eventually led her to much bigger positions later on in her professional career.
She says, “As a strategic thinker and collaborative individual, I think solutions are easy to find when we’re open to seeing the opportunities that problems present. As a leader, I seek the magic that people carry and give it room to flourish; after all, it’s in our authenticity that we can build the society we long to see.”
On a personal front, she describes herself as a “happy wife and a loved mother of two, aged seven and four”.
She is now a member of MiWay’s management committee (Manco) and is part of the brains trust responsible for seeking new and ingenious ways to elevate the insurance giant further.

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