
Robbers strike in Topaz Street

A young man was robbed in Topaz Street in Carletonville last weekend.

WO Peter Masooa of the Carletonville police says the 25-year-old resident of Topaz Street was on his way home at approximately 20:00 on 28 May when the incident occurred.
He was walking in the street when three unknown men came up to him. One suddenly pulled out a firearm while the other produced a knife.
The criminals demanded his cell phone, but the young man refused to hand it over. They then stabbed him with the knife and overpowered him.
The thieves grabbed his cell phone and the R60 he had with him. They then ran away.
The young man managed to get medical treatment shortly after the attack.

This is the second serious crime took place in the same street during recent months. You can read more about the other attack here:

House robbers attack women | Carletonville Herald

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