
Guard robs gold plant

What could arguably be described as the easiest gold plant robbery ever, happened in Blyvoor this week.

According to Carletonville police’s communication officer, WO Peter Masooa, the incident took place at around 15:05 on Monday. Employees were busy in the gold plant at Blyvoor’s 5 Shaft, owned by Blyvoor Gold when the security guard in the plant suddenly pulled out a firearm and fired a shot. He pointed the firearm at the employees and then grabbed a gold bar. He ran out of the building and towards the gate. The crime seems to have been well planned because an Audi A3 with four male occupants suddenly arrived at the gate. Two of them, respectively armed with an AK47 and an R5 rifle, jumped out and stood guard until the guard-turned-robber arrived at the car and jumped in. They then sped off. At the time of print, no one had been arrested in connection with the incident yet. It is not clear how big the stolen gold bar was. According to the website,, however, the price of a one-kg gold bar was $54,9388 on 14 June 2020, which amounts to around R8 million.

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