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The DA gets things done in Merafong

The Democratic Alliance is currently in opposition in Merafong.

This means that by law, our councillors have no authority to direct the daily expenditure of the money you pay to the municipality for services. That responsibility is currently in the hands of the ANC. Our ward councillors work constantly to report and address your service delivery problems and we often take hands with community members to clean up our public spaces where residents dump illegally. If you live in a DA ward, you would have experienced a ward councillor that is responsive and competent in assisting with municipal concerns. Against the backdrop of a failing municipality, this is a difficult task that not only requires technical knowledge of municipal laws and regulations, but also incredible people skills and emotional intelligence. Our councillors and candidates are supported by an intense training and development programme to ensure that they gain the skills and competencies required of a local government councillor. We conduct annual performance reviews to ensure that our councillors meet the DA’s performance standards.
On 1 November, your vote could change the fate of Merafong. If you vote for the ANC, you can expect more of the same deterioration you have been seeing in Merafong. If you vote for one of the smaller parties, you risk your ward becoming an ANC ward. You will no longer have a DA ward councillor to turn to. Should the ANC fail to achieve 50 per cent in this election (a likely possibility), a coalition government will have to be formed. Experience from 2016 has demonstrated that where coalition partners are sought from small parties, these councillors often become kingmakers, who demand portfolios with large budgets where corruption is perpetuated and voters are left behind. Small parties simply do not have the expertise or the structures to keep their councillors accountable to voters in coalition situations.
The best possible outcome for Merafong is to vote DA so that the DA becomes the largest party in Merafong. We are currently the only party with a demonstrable track record of excellent service delivery where we govern. And that brand of governance is what Merafong needs immediately if we are to stop the collapse of our infrastructure and basic services.
Vote DA on 1 November because the DA Gets Things Done.

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