
Taxi owner shot in cold blood

A local taxi owner was brutally gunned down in front of his house this week.

According to the Carletonville police, the incident took place in Khutsong Extension 5 at the home of a member of the Carletonville Local and Long Distance Taxi Association (CALLDTA) at about 19:40 on Monday.
The driver of the owner’s taxis had just arrived at his house to park one and get another when he heard shots. He thought, at first, that the owner, who was in the street, was being hijacked, and ran towards him when he heard him call for help.
Once outside the yard, the driver realised that something else was going on as the attacker started shooting at him too. Luckily, one of the bullets only grazed his buttocks.
The driver had the presence of mind to fall to the ground, pretending to be more seriously injured.
“Where is the money?” his employer’s attacker asked him in Sotho.
The driver handed over the money and the attacker ran away.
The owner (40) could not be saved, however. He had been shot in the head, chest and legs several times.
Police later recovered 12 empty cartridges at the scene.
The police are currently looking for a thin Sotho man between 1.75 to 1.8 metres tall.
Anyone who has any information about the murder is asked to contact WO Jacques Nagel at 082 880 4611.

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