
Community helps in arrest of house robbers

Community helps in arrest of house robbers.

The police apprehended two house robbers in Khutsong in the past week.
According to Khutsong police’s communication officer, Captain Eddie Boboko, sector members from the station were called to a house robbery at a shack in Extension 3 at about 23:45 on 20 May.
When the police arrived, a group of residents had gathered next to the victim’s home. The community pointed out a house elsewhere in Extension 3, where the suspects were hiding.
“The police then tactically approached the house and with the assistance of the community, Constable Simon Mosito and Const. Sinah Mekgwe arrested the three suspects, aged between 23 and 34. They also recovered the plasma television they had stolen,” says Boboko.
The man who was robbed told the police he was at home when he heard the robbers calling him from outside. When he did not answer, they pelted the shack with stones and broke his windows. They then forced the door open.
The victim pushed one of the robbers out of his way and ran out of the house. Although the suspects chased after him, he was lucky to escape. The three robbers returned to the house and found the man’s wife and child inside. They threat-ened the wife, grabbed the tele- vision and ran from the house.
“This happened a day after communication officers from 13 different police stations within the district held a crime awareness intervention programme in Ext. 3. It is clear that the message reached the community as they were in- volved in the house robbers’ arrest.”
The suspects appeared in Khutsong Magistrate’s Court on 24 May 2021.
The Khutsong station commander, Colonel Melinda Prinsloo, applauded the members for the arrest and confiscation so soon after the criminals had struck.
She also commended the com-munity for responding to SAPS’s call to fight crime and make Khutsong a safe place for everyone.
She further appealed to the community to stand together, form neighbourhood watches and share information on any suspicious activity at the Crime Stop hotline 08600 10111, Khutsong SAPS at 018 783 9022/23/24 or on the My SAPS app, where you may report crime anonymously.

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