
Positive Movement in Khutsong

A group of young people from Extension 3 in Khutsong have united to form the “Positive Movement’’.

According to the chairperson of the movement, Mr Thabo Bathebeng, the youth-friendly initiative falls under the Exten- sion 3 Clinic. He decided to take a stand against young people getting involved in drug- and alcohol abuse as a result of the high unemployment rate.
“Our job is to work hand in hand with the health department in Ext.3,’’ he emphasised.

The Positive Movement bridges the gap between the department and members of the community who are truly in need. Its goal is to get the youth involved in the programme, come to the clinic frequently and interact with it more. “So, we are the change. Now that we have the pandemic, we should start adjusting to the new normal. I believe in helping; we plan to get the youth more in touch with themselves. There’s still more coming,” he added enthusiastically.
For more information, contact Thabo Bathebeng at 074 803 8308.

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