
House robber shoots resident

A resident was shot during a house robbery in Carletonville last week.

According to the Carletonville police, the incident happened in Coronation Street on 16 April.

The residents were asleep at 03:30 when they were awoken by someone knocking on their window. When one of them asked him what he wanted, the man demanded a cell phone.

When the resident said he did not have one, the man asked where the house owner lived. After the resident directed him to the owner’s door, he went and knocked there. T

he owner suspected that something was amiss and grabbed an axe before he opened the door.

He swung the axe at the man outside. He unfortunately missed and the man pulled out a firearm and shot him in the chest.

The robber and his accomplices grabbed a television, laptop and computer tower before escaping from the scene. The owner was taken to Fountain Private Hospital to be treated for his injuries.

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