
Cooperation leads to good success

An incident last weekend proved, once again, that the police and CPF (Community Policing Forum) can often only apprehend criminals with information from the public.

According to the chairperson of the Welverdiend CPF, Mrs Letitia Jansen Van Vuuren, a community member, reported that housebreaking was in progress in 19th Avenue around 17:00 on Sunday. WO Plastiek Jansen van Vuuren, who was on his way to report for duty at the Carletonville police station, quickly rushed to the scene with four CPF members.
On their arrival, an 80-year-old resident told them the burglar had just run away with his property. WO Van Vuuren instructed the CPF to patrol and look for the suspect, who had a leadlight in his hand.
Three CPF patrollers, Dana Meyer, Thinus Van der Merwe and Thomas Matusse, spotted the suspect as he was crossing Station Street on his way to 11th Avenue.
When the thief saw the CPF members, he dropped the leadlight and white maize bag he was carrying and ran into the veld.
WO Van Vuuren arrested the suspect and took him and the goods to the Welverdiend police station. The elderly man whose house was broken into earlier was called to the police station. He identified the leadlight and the bag of power tools the burglar had dropped as his property. The value of the goods recovered is about R6,000.
“The arrest and recovery were possible because a community member reported what she saw,” says Mrs Van Vuuren.
Residents with any information should contact the police and their CPF group administrator. Carleton- ville residents can call Mr Danie Rossouw at 072 116 518 and those in Welverdiend, Mrs Van Vuuren at 078 455 6466 or the Welverdiend CPF vice chairperson, Mrs Alta Meyer at 068 057 4605.

The stolen goods that were recovered.
The police officer and CPF patrollers who found the suspect and stolen goods are Mr Dana Meyer, WO Plastiek Jansen Van Vuuren, Mr Thinus Van Der Merwe and Mr Thomas Matusse.

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