
How to conduct a health and safety audit in Carletonville

A health and safety audit, or OHS audit, assists organisations in Carletonville with consistent and continuous improvements in their OHS procedures and programme.

When conducting an OHS audit, it must be effective in:

  • Identifying the risks and their magnitude within the workplace.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses that exist in the OHS procedures and programme.
  • Comparing the current documentation and practices against the best practice, legal requirements and SafetyWallet protocol.
  • Highlighting where improvements need to be made, and making recommendations for improvements in the OHS procedures and programme.
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available for effective OHS management, and
  • Ensuring that such resources devoted to health and safety are effectively implemented and used.

What does an OHS audit involve?

The SafetyWallet OHS audit on the OHS management systems and programme identifies whether these systems are operating efficiently or need improvements. The OHS audit can either form part of the organisation’s continuous system, as is the case with internal audits conducted by an appointed internal team, or they may form part of an independent part of an ongoing programme, such as external audits conducted annually by SafetyWallet. In addition to this, audits can also:

  • Focus on a certain activity such as the control of hazardous substances, for instance.
  • Focus on a certain part of the organisation such as the packing area, offices, factory floor, etc.
  • Address the overall performance of the OHS system and programme.

When conducting an OHS audit, some of the following areas can be addressed:

  • Planning
  • Duties and responsibilities associated with OHS.
  • Organisational structure.
  • Arrangements with consultants.
  • Procedure implementation and associated activities.
  • Identification of hazards, the assessment and control thereof.
  • Training and competence.
  • Measurement, reporting and evaluation, and
  • The review of the OHS system and programme and the overall performance thereof.

What are the steps in conducting an effective OHS Audit?

Once the area is selected where an OHS audit will be conducted, the following steps can be followed.

1.   Sequence questions and their answers

The questions in the audit must be based on law and relevant standards. The first thing that must be audited is the documented safety procedures to ensure compliance. Next, the level of compliance with the safety procedures can be evaluated. This is done by doing a workplace inspection to ensure that these safety procedures are applied, as well as to gauge their effectiveness.

2.   Compile an audit report

Once the audit has been completed, the audit report must be formulated. It must reflect the findings that were noted in the first step, regardless of whether they are positive or whether improvements are needed. Audit findings must highlight strengths, weaknesses and areas where improvements are necessary. The audit report can also be used to identify risks observed during the audit, and assessing their levels.

3.   Develop an action plan to address findings

Risk controls must be applied to the risks that have been identified and it must be prioritised according to the hierarchy of control, allowing for an action plan to be developed. The action plan that stems from the audit must be communicated with all employees and relevant training, where needed, must be done as well. Actions that form part of the organisation’s objectives and targets must be made. Such actions require careful planning and inclusion in the budget of the organisation.

Overview of SafetyWallet’s OHS audit

Businesses operate in diverse and chaotic workplaces, and the high demands that organisations often face result in challenges with balancing productivity and ensuring compliance with OHS requirements. SafetyWallet, in partnership with MAKROSAFE and OHS Online, offers employers a unique solution. Regardless of the size, industry or nature of business of the organisation, SafetyWallet offers an all-inclusive package to its subscribers, helping them build towards a safer and healthier South Africa. SafetyWallet subscribers will have the needed support and assistance in their journey to becoming more OHS compliant. When subscribing to SafetyWallet, the first step is for an OHS audit to be conducted, reviewing the subscriber’s current OHS programme and determining the subscriber’s current level of compliance. This audit involves an in-depth examination of the subscriber’s entire health and safety management system. It focuses on all key aspects involved with occupational health and safety in the workplace and offers a structured path for continuous and consistent improvement. The SafetyWallet OHS audit process can be broken down as follows:

  • The SafetyWallet auditor will review the subscriber’s OHS programme against the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations and SafetyWallet audit protocols.
  • The implementation of such measures will be assessed, followed by an inspection of the subscriber’s premises where operational activities will be sampled.
  • The auditor will interview key personnel and confidentially discuss their roles and responsibilities associated with OHS.
  • Once the audit is completed, the auditor will present the audit report, highlight strengths and areas for improvement and make recommendations for consideration.

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