
Abandoned dog ‘blossoming’ after adoption

In one of Carletonville SPCA’s recent adoption success stories, a dog that was only skin and bone upon its arrival is now thriving in its new home.

The Herald recently reported on the dog that was dumped in the drop-off cages on 20 October. Despite it being so mistreated, the dog showed incredible spirit and crept into the hearts of SPCA personnel.
Huge was their relief when two local dog lovers, Vernon Gourlay and Michael Black, decided to adopt the dog on 18 October. They immediately named him “Roman”.
“Roman has blossomed since we adopted him,” Gourlay told the Herald on Tuesday. He shares his new home with Twiggy, a Jack Russell-cross female that Gourlain adopted from the Carletonville SPCA six years ago, and Rex, a corgi-dachshund-cross that a customer gave to Gourlain at his business in Oberholzer nine years ago.

Unfortunately, several dogs of all sizes and many beautiful cats and kittens are still in desperate need of adoption at the kennels.
According to an SPCA inspector, Ms Elloise Rootman, pet poisoning is another problem that has reared its ugly head in the past week. There has been a massive increase in the number of poisonings.
She warns pet owners to check their yards for poison and, where possible, not to let their pets get near their fence during the night.Signs that a pet has been poisoned are spit and foam around its mouth, vomiting, diarrhoea, twitching, shivering, seizures, disorientation and paralysis. Anyone who thinks their pet may have been poisoned must rush it to the vet immediately.
The only remedy to try to keep it alive while on the way is to feed it activated charcoal and give it salt or a nugget of detergent to make it vomit.
For more information, call the SPCA at 018 788 6262. Their kennels in Beerster Street are open on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00 and on Saturdays from 08:00 to 11:00.

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