
Speedboat/Jetski collision, four injured at the Vaal Marina

A 41-year-old female and a 44-year-old male have both suffered critical injuries following a collision between a Jetski and a speedboat at the Vaal Marina on Saturday.

According to ER24 they were both on the speedboat when the incident took place. When ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene along with another private the patients had been brought to the shore by bystanders on another boat. “The female patient was found to have suffered a head injury, while the male patient had suffered multiple injuries and both required Advanced Life Support interventions. They were flown by medical helicopter to a private hospital for further care.” Two others on the speedboat (a younger male & female) were found to have suffered minor injuries and were treated by the other private service on scene. The man from the Jetski was unharmed in the incident.


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