
Signs your teenager is using drugs

Teenagers are easily pressured and may be tempted to use drugs and alcohol as they see their peers experimenting with illegal substances. While they may try hiding that they are using drugs, there are warning signs which you can’t turn a blind eye to. The earlier you detect the problem, the better so that you …

Teenagers are easily pressured and may be tempted to use drugs and alcohol as they see their peers experimenting with illegal substances. While they may try hiding that they are using drugs, there are warning signs which you can’t turn a blind eye to. The earlier you detect the problem, the better so that you can seek help for your child before the problem spirals out of control. The signs mentioned below don’t  necessarily signify problems with drugs, but they do indicate some type of problem is apparent. If you suspect there is a problem, talk to your child. Take action to find out its cause. If drugs are the culprit, take the necessary steps to free your child from this dangerous lifestyle. Sign #1: Increased absence and lateness during school hours If his or her school contacts you concerning truancy or tardiness, you will need to take action on this immediately as frequently missing school or is being often late to class, could be a sign of drug use.


Sign #2: A drop in grades may also indicate drug use If their marks suddenly take a dive or it happens gradually, you must investigate the source of the problem because drugs could be a contributing factor. Sign #3: Behaviour problems in and outside school may also signal drug problems exist If your child suddenly picks fights with people around them or prefers to be alone all the time, then you should worry about these behavioural issues. When you notice changes, address them immediately to get to the root of the cause.


Sign #4: Loss of interest in once enjoyed activities If your child suddenly loses interest in the things that they were once passionate about, you should worry what activity has taken over. This, often happens over a short period of time and usually indicates something is wrong. Sign #5: Dropping old friends in favour of new ones You need to keep an eye on the company your child keeps. If they suddenly have new friends, check what influence they have on your child. If your gut also tells you that something is wrong about your child’s new friends, then chances are something is wrong. Sign #6: A change in personality You have right to suspect your child is using drugs if they were once outgoing but become withdrawn or they were typically relaxed, are now uptight. Sign #7: Mood changes If one moment they are high and the next they are looking depressed, then be concerned. The changes can take place from one moment to the next and may include a wide range of emotions. Excessive suspicion and paranoia are among them. Sign #8: Appearing hung over If your child appears hung over, it could be more indicative than others of drug use, but doesn’t always mean an advanced problem exists. The more frequently it occurs, the bigger the problem at hand may be and the action should be taken immediately. Sign #9: Increased forgetfulness or temporary memory loss If your child shows signs of forgetting events and information more frequently than before in a manner that is absent-minded, this may signify a drug problem exists. Sign #10: Increased secretiveness This is one of the main signs of drug use because teens who are using definitely have something to hide and that is, their addiction that is ruining their life  

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