
Good Samaritan robbed of cell phone

A man was robbed while trying to help someone in the street last weekend. According to the communication officer of the police in Carletonville, WO Peter Masooa, the incident took place at around 13:30 on Saturday, 8 August. A resident was playing a game on his cell phone while walking in Douglas Street when an …

A man was robbed while trying to help someone in the street last weekend.
According to the communication officer of the police in Carletonville, WO Peter Masooa, the incident took place at around 13:30 on Saturday, 8 August. A resident was playing a game on his cell phone while walking in Douglas Street when an unknown man walked up to him.
“Do you know the way to Pall Mall Street?” the man asked.The resident said he did not know of such a street, but would search for it on Google. “While he was trying to help, the unknown man grabbed his phone from his hands and ran away,” says Masooa.
The complainant immediately gave chase, but when he caught up with the thief, the man punched him in the stomach.
“I will kill you,” he hissed and stabbed the complainant in his hands with a sharp instrument before running away.

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