
Help traumatised children with stationery

A ruler, pen or highlighter that might seem trivial for most children can make a big difference in the life of an already traumatised child who has to go through the processes of the Children’s Court.

In 2012, the clerk of the Children’s Court in Oberholzer, Ms Alta Bezuidenhout, started a project to make the court more child-friendly.
“I decided to give every child who must go through the court a gift to take with them. These children are there, either for foster care or adoption, or bad cases like being taken out of their home environment and put in a place of safety. They are traumatised and orphaned and, in most cases, underprivileged children who do not know the meaning of the word ‘luxury’. In situations where we must remove them for their safety, we sometimes even have to get clothing for them. That’s why I decided to give them a gift that will be their own,’ says Bezuidenhout.
Although previous donations of soft toys and items like colouring books have helped the smaller children a lot, there is little to nothing for the children of high school age.
Items the children can use for school, like writing books, a blue pen, ruler, eraser, scissors, mathematical sets, highlighters, a sharpener and even pencil cases or folders to put stationery in can put a smile on the faces of these children.
Between 20 to 50 children go through the Children’s Court in Oberholzer every month.
Anyone who can assist can visit Bezuidenhout in Room 90 of the Oberholzer Court.

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