
Woman killed by illegal connection

A resident of Khutsong Extension 4 died during the week after she was electrocuted by an illegal electrical connection.

A resident of Khutsong Extension 4 died during the week after she was electrocuted by an illegal electrical connection. According to a municipal councillor, Mr Vusi Mcunana, Ms Nomsa Ndingo was walking to her home after a day at work when she stepped into a puddle of rain water. She did not notice that exposed wiring that had been illegally connected to a municipal streetlight also ran through the water. Ndingo was electrocuted immediately after making contact with the water in the road that conducted the electricity from the wires. She passed away at the scene. Although the incident took place at about 18:00, emergency services only arrived at the scene at about 22:15. According to Mcunana, residents say that this is the second incident of this type to take place in the area. “Our municipality is taking this up with Eskom. How many people must die here because of illegal connections before they take action? The people who are stealing electricity from the Eskom property are putting the community at risk and death,” he complained.

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