
Shack burns down

Community members of the Chris Hani informal settlements in Khutsong believe it was ‘vutha’ that left a neighbour with nothing but the clothes on his back on 18 August.

Community members of the Chris Hani informal settlements in Khutsong believe it was ‘vutha’ that left a neighbour with nothing but the clothes on his back on 18 August. The fire that gutted shack 821 belonging to Mr John Mokgojwa (38), started at about 06:00, just after he had left to visit a friend in the nearby Rivonia settlements. When Mokojwa, who fixes appliances for a living, received the call, he rushed back to find crowds gathered outside
his home which, by now, was engulfed in flames. The fire apparently started in the bedroom and quickly spread through the structure before the alert went out. Community members tried, in vain, to quench the blaze with sand and water. Neither John, nor his three children were around when the fire broke out. He is mystified by the drama, saying everything was unplugged at the time. “Even before the police enquired, I asked myself whether I was sure that everything was off, and I was,” he says confidently. His neighbours are convinced that the blaze was “vutha” – deliberately caused by witchcraft out of spite or jealousy. Believing this to be true, they threw a pint of milk into the flames to test their theory. “If it was a normal fire, it would have been put out, but it was not ,” insisted one of the bystanders. John, a devout member of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) is not so sure. “And I cannot accuse anyone either, because people will always say and believe what they want,” he said, matter-of-factly. But, he does believe that he had a premonition before the incident. “I did get the feeling that something was telling me to get out,” he recalls. He is currently living with his sister.
“John’s reaction to the disaster is rooted in his faith. “I am a Christian and a very spiritual person. I believe in prayer and that things like this do happen to human beings. If it’s God’s will, then let it be, because I know He will bring me through this,” he said. Anyone who feels compelled to help
John pick himself up from the ashes of disaster is encouraged to contact him on 071-337-7600.

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