
Polisie ondersoek baba se dood

Die Herald het weer oor ‘n verskeidenheid nuusgebeure in sy uitgawe van 20 jaar gelede berig.

Die Herald het weer oor ‘n verskeidenheid nuusgebeure in sy uitgawe van 20 jaar gelede berig.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie het ‘n saak van moord ondersoek nadat ‘n twee maande-oue baba dood is toe hy na bewering van ‘n sitkamerbank geval het.
Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van die polisie het die 16-jarige ma van Glenharvie haar babaseun na bewering in ‘n babastoel op die sitkamerbank gelaat terwyl sy vir ‘n oomblik na die badkamer gegaan het.
Met haar terugkoms het sy klaarblyklik gesien dat die kind van die bank afgeval het en dat hy moeilik asemhaal. Paramedici het noodhulp op die baba toegepas, maar kon hom nie red nie.
The brutal slaying of a young café owner has stunned the Carletonville community. According to the police, an unidentified man approached Mr Jancinto Barreto Santos (25) in his café, the Golden West Supermarket in Lignite Street, at around 20:00 on Wednesday 5 July.
The man allegedly threw acid in his face before fatally hacking open his head with an axe. The critically injured Santos was rushed to the Sybrand van Niekerk Hospital and an emergency helicopter summoned.
It is believed that he died whilst airlifted to Johannesburg. According to his godfather, who stays in Carletonville, Santos loved South Africa dearly and had, on a number of occasions, refused his family’s requests that he return to Madeira.
He could not believe that anyone would have wanted to harm the man he described as a gentleman who was popular with young and old alike.
One of South Africa’s leading explosives producers intended building a factory near Fochville, it has been reported.
Bulk Mining Explosives (BME) was planning to establish a new plant at Losberg near Fochville, subject to the successful rezoning of the farm where it is to be located.
According to a press release, BME, a member of the Omnia group, is one of SA’s leading explosives producers. It has factories in Dryden, Rustenburg and Sasolburg and supplies the coal, platinum and iron mining industries. The new plant will be aimed primarily at providing cost-effective explosives to the gold mining industry. BME says the factory will be designed to comply with the strictest safety and effluent control standards and will use modern techniques in manufacturing and packaging explosives.
Inwoners van Carletonville sal voorlopig nie vervolg word indien hulle nie vir hondelisensies betaal nie. ‘n Woordvoerder van die Oorgangsraad het die feit bevestig na ‘n ontstoke nuwe intrekker wél reeds vir sy lisensie betaal het.
Mnr. Flip Coetzer van Eggo Janstraat het gesê hy voel hy is deur die amptenare mislei en boonop bedrieg, sodat hy moes betaal. Hy het gesê hulle het onlangs van ‘n plaas na die dorp getrek en hy het na die lisensie-afdeling gegaan om ‘n motorlisensie te hernieu.
In die betaallokaal was daar ‘n kennisgewing dat hondelisensies by die onderskeie toonbanke betaalbaar is. Hy het gesê hy het soos dit ‘n goeie burger betaam, navraag gedoen en die R30 vir twee honde betaal.
Dit het egter nie geskied voordat die vrou hom eers ‘n boete wou oplê vir laat-betaling nie. Dit het moeite gekos om haar te laat verstaan dat ek eers die vorige dag in my nuwe huis ingetrek het,” het hy gesê.
Local marksman Corné Basson more than proved his worth during the South African Open Small-Bore Rifle Championships.
He received a fourth place in the Total Championships, a fourth place in the Total 3 Positional Championships, a seventh place in the Total Prone Championships, a silver and two bronze medals in the Prone Championships, Junior Springbok colours and was selected as a member of the SA Wakefield and De-war teams.

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