Local news

Caxton app gives readers access to a network of local news

Readers can now read the news from a variety of trusted local newspapers for free from their hand-held and other devices.

Staying up to date with what is happening in your community and country has never been so easy, thanks to Caxton Local News’ newly launched, easy-to-use app.

The app is available to both Android and iPhone users.  It offers simple access to local and national news content from 55 Caxton Local News community titles.

Best of all, there are no subscription fees, meaning the full article can be read for free.

“Caxton Local News is committed to delivering accurate news to as many people as possible. Knowledge is power and our publications aim to empower communities by keeping them informed. In an age of information overload and fake news, it is vital that people have access to credible news sources,” says Caxton Local News editor Irma Green. “The app helps us achieve our goal of creating an informed citizenry.”

Caxton senior project manager Wannita Boettger says: “The app will strengthen our existing digital news offering, which encompasses local online news titles from across the country, Network News – a selection of stories of national importance from these websites, social media platforms, and local and national digital newsletters.

“It gives readers access to all our local news content in a format that fits in the palm of their hand,” she adds.

App users can customise their experience by choosing the publications they wish to see or by allowing their device’s location-based settings to choose area-specific news. They can also choose to browse through the news by categories, such as news, local news, crime, municipal, schools, sport, business, lifestyle, kids, homes and motoring.

‘Contact us’ functionality gives readers a direct link to newsrooms and advertising departments. “This offers an easy process for sharing news scoops,” says Green.

Areas covered include Gauteng, KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, the North West, the Free State, and the Garden Route, with news of national importance from all other regions also covered.

Boettger says that the platform will ultimately be offered to advertisers, allowing them to use app data collection technology to reach their target markets. “This will further Caxton’s value proposition and help us keep abreast of our competitors.”

Download the app

Download the ‘Caxton Local News Network’ from either Google Play or the iOS Apple App Store.

Stay in the know. Download the Caxton Local News Network App here.

Patrick Mumbi

Patrick Mumbi is currently the Content Administrator at Hive Digital Media. Trained as a Journalist, he carries wealth of experience having worked across the media spectrum in print, electronic and currently in the digital media space. Patrick's current responsibilities include writing commercial content and most importantly ensuring quality control is achieved on internal and external content which gets published on various platforms. More »

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