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When all else fails, just stand still and trust!

Exodus 14: 13-14 “Then Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid! Take your stand [be firm and confident and undismayed] and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for those Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for …

Exodus 14: 13-14 “Then Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid! Take your stand [be firm and confident and undismayed] and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for those Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.” Have you ever felt like your back was against a wall? Ever been between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to turn? Or maybe you’ve put in a lot of time going down a winding avenue of life, only to find it is a dead end. One of the areas most people struggle with is in surrendering to Jesus. It is in our nature to be in control but we must give all control over to Jesus and learn to wait patiently on Him for direction and wisdom for the circumstances in which we are in. I believe this is one of the major keys to breakthrough but the problem is we don’t like to be told to wait, do we? We want to do something. We want to try to help God out, or help ourselves out. Just standing still is unthinkable in our society today. Sometimes, we are so frantic with fear that we override God’s direction, God’s peace and God’s presence in our lives. If we don’t become still, we not only miss what God is doing, but we can also miss what God wants us to do next if anything at all. To hear God, to see God work, we must be still. This means shutting off our complaining, our griping, our fear, our anxiety, shutting down all the open computer screens running in our minds, to stop those endless agendas… and be still. Stand still, stay with God, and don’t get ahead of Him. You could have tried to swim across the Red Sea in your own strength but, if you had just waited, He was just about to part the waters for you. Be encouraged, fear not, stand still, and see what God can do. God didn’t deliver His people from slavery only to drown them when they were cornered. And God didn’t save you, only to forget about you now.

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