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Building of a new Rotara School to proceed soon

The project has been running for almost a decade.

After almost 10 years the project to build a new school building for the special Rotara School is set to start this year.

The action to move the school from its current location at Watersedge to Carletonville already started in 2015. The environmental impact assessment for the project was also
already completed in 2016.

The ward councillor of the area in which Rotara School is situated, Carlos Rebelo, was part of a public meeting about the process on Saturday.

“The new school will be built in the open veld next to Usutu Street and we were informed that the building process will start in about two months’ time,” says Rebelo.

The new school buildings will include classrooms for 250 learners and hostels for 80 learners. The entrance to the new school will be in Onyx Drive.

“It is a good thing that the school is being moved here. We believe that it will have a positive impact on the prices of houses in the area. The school buildings will look good and
there will be excellent security that will also benefit the area.

“Criminals using the open veld next to the houses will become a thing of the past. There will also be a high wall around the school that will limit possible noise from learners,” says

He noted that the position of a community liaison officer (CLO) for the project will have to
come from Ward 28 since the school will be built in this area.

“We want a qualified person from our area to benefit and also do not want some of the
so-called construction mafias from outside to interfere in the project,” Rebelo added.

Community members who are interested can apply interested can apply for the position of
CLO until September 9.

The school is being moved due to ground stability issues in the area where it is currently situated.

During the past few years, infrastructure crime such as theft of electrical cables and illegal connections have also skyrocketed in this area, which led to the school or some of its buildings and hostels being stuck without electricity at times.

The map of the planned new school buildings.
Rotara School at its current location at Watersedge.

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