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Electricity poles in Welverdiend a danger

The lives of Welverdiend residents are being put in danger by the municipality's negligence to deal with this problem.

Residents of Welverdiend complain that leaning electricity poles put their lives at risk.

People living on 5th Street complain about an extremely dangerous electricity pole in their street. The pole has been unstable for some time and is leaning so far over the street that it looks like it could topple over any second.

“When we first reported the pole, they said it was ‘not a priority’ and they would only do something about it once it fell,” a resident complains.
However, the concern is that it could fall on a vehicle or a child walking past at the wrong time.

Another dangerous pole is located opposite house No. 128 on 18th Avenue.

According to the residents, the first pole broke off, and the municipality attached a new pole to it. Because the new pole is not properly anchored, it is also starting to tilt over the road.

The Herald took the problems to the municipality on Tuesday.

“Query has been logged, it will be attended to as soon as possible,” said the municipal spokesperson.

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