
Drunken driver causes chaos

In a somewhat unusual incident, chaos erupted on one of Carletonville’s streets when the police chased a drunken and reckless driver.

According to Carletonville police’s communication officer, WO Peter Masooa, the incident happened at approximately 16:15 on 2 August. Two police officers were patrolling Amethyst Street when a suspicious grey Toyota with a Mozambique registration number came towards them. The driver, carrying five passengers, raced away when he saw the police.
The police officers made a U-turn and gave chase, but the driver sped into oncoming traffic, almost causing an accident. When the police thought they had cornered the Toyota, the driver bumped the state vehicle, and two passengers jumped out.
The police called for backup, and their colleagues helped arrest the driver and passengers after the vehicle stopped at the corner of Osmium and Radium streets.
They found that the driver and his passengers had been drinking in their car.
The driver was later charged with drunken driving, reckless and negligent driving and resisting arrest.

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