
The ‘king of Carletonville’

“Even the parking guards in the CBD come to open the car door for him when we go shopping.”

So says Mrs Faith Grobler, the grandmother of Dwayne Skead.
Dwayne, who turns 37 in July, has Down Syndrome. Most residents know him because of his red and black outfits that look like royal uniforms. Sometimes, he only wears a royal jacket and the rest is normal clothes.
According to his grandmother, she took Dwayne to a place in Krugersdorp where people can dress up in various outfits almost a decade ago. He immediately wanted to play the role of king and refused to take his outfit off when they had to go home. This dressing up made him so happy that his grandmother had two jackets full of regalia and even a cloak made for him.
He now refuses to wear anything else.
Dwayne went to Rotara School until he was 18 years old. Even though he cannot read, he has memorised an astonishing variety of detail on the British royal family. He has proclaimed himself “King William” and even expects other people to address him as such.
“It makes him so happy. His biggest dream is to go and see the royal family,” says his grandmother.
So many people know Dwayne in town that some have even started addressing him as “King William” and playing along with his wishes.
“King William” even has plans about what he will do when he takes over the throne and rules Carletonville.
“They must clean the town up and people must stop drinking,” are his wise plans.

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