
Watch out for ‘Stasie road’

People driving in the Fochville area must be alert when driving on the well-known ‘Stasie road’.

This road turns towards Parys from the R500 near the Fochville train station. It proceeds to the R54 between Vereeniging and Potchefstroom. After the good rains over the past weeks, it is full of potholes. This road is a popular route for residents who prefer to travel to and from Potchefstroom on relatively quiet roads.
According to a resident, this road desperately needs repairs.
“At one point, it was so bad that vehicles were driving on the side of the road in places. It is also treacherous because cars swerve all over the road, trying to avoid potholes, especially when vehicles are travelling in opposite directions,” the resident says.
He added that the road is especially dangerous at night and when it rains because drivers cannot see the potholes.
The Gauteng Provincial Roads Department has maintained the road till now as it is outside Merafong City Local Municipality’s area of jurisdiction.
The Herald contacted Mr Dikkie Beukes, an official from the provincial department last week to discuss the problem. However, there was no response by the time the newspaper went to print.

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