
Christmas lights bring joy

Since the beginning of the month, many residents have taken their children to Kraalkop Street in Fochville to view the beautiful Christmas lights in one of the gardens.

“This will be the last year that we put them up,” the owner of the house, Ms Karin Visser, says, though.
She explains that putting up the Christmas lights was the passion of her late husband, Tom, who passed away in August this year.
He had ensured that the lights were put up every year for the past nine years that they lived in the house.
Before moving to Fochville, the family lived in Welverdiend, where they also put up lights at their house near the tennis court on 11th Avenue every year.
Ms Visser put the lights on in remembrance of her late husband this year. “It is a lot of work and I cannot handle everything myself,” she says.
It took her two days to put up most of the lights. The main feature of the display, the big cross in front of the house, went up on Monday.
The lights will stay up until 1 January and are on, even when it rains.


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