Brutal house robbery shocks

Many Fochville residents are still in shock after a robber attacked a homeowner and his elderly father in their house last week.

According to Fochville police’s communication officer, Sgt Elsie Tshonte, the attack took place at around 05:30 on Wednesday, 6 October. The homeowner (46) and his 79-year-old father were alone in the house in Aster Avenue at the time. Both men were assaulted and stabbed.
According to ER24 medical rescue service’s communication officer, Mr Russel Meiring, paramedics from the Gauteng ambulance services, a doctor and security officers were already at the scene when they arrived at about 05:45. The homeowner was found lying in his house. Paramedics as- sessed him and found he had sustained numerous stab wounds and was in a critical condition.
The man was treated and provided with several advanced life support interventions. After that, he was transported to Fountain Private Hospital for further stabilisation. He was then airlifted by a private medical helicopter to the Union Hospital in Alberton. By Tuesday, the home-owner was still in ICU.
His elderly father was also attacked but his injuries could be treated without hospitalisation.
The robber fled with a firearm, laptop, cell phones and other items.
The Fochville police sprung into action and arrested a 28-year-old man in connection with the incident on Thursday night – within 48 hours of the attack. “The police found the stolen goods in his possession and he could not explain where he had got them from,” says Tshonte.
“I want to thank all the members who joined the search for the suspect of the house robbery in the early hours. Thank you to the community members who assisted in tracing the suspect and providing information.
This is a clear sign that together we can against crime,” says Fochville’s station commissioner, Lt-Col Kgomotso Netshitangane.
The police say they will work around the clock to ensure the safety and security of our community all the time. They ask the community to work together with them to fight crime. The police also offered tips to prevent such incidents from happening again. There is no age limit to the victims of house robberies and the perpetrators are always armed, violent, cruel and aggressive.
Members of the public are encouraged to report any crime or suspi- cious activity in their area. Ensure that your garden, driveway and back yard are clear and clean.
Remember, your property can be replaced but human life cannot. Your life is more important and precious than your possessions.
According to Tshonte, the suspect was to appear in the Fochville Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, on charges of house robbery and attempted murder. He is still in custody.

The usually quiet Aster Avenue in Fochville where the incident took place.
The stolen handgun and cell phones found in the suspect’s possession.

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