
Rubbish in Fochville a health risk

The rubbish that litterbugs dump and the municipality does not pick up poses a big health risk to the residents.

The brewing health risk is right in the middle of the lower part of Fochville. Some residents have been throwing rubbish on several open stands on the corner of Skool- and Steyn streets. While there was only one big heap of rubbish about three years ago, there is now so much rubbish that a large part of the veld next to the footpath running through it has been covered.
When the Herald visited the site, many huge rats were feasting on what seemed to be old birdseed that someone had dumped. The rats seemed to be so used to humans that they only scrambled back under a dead tree trunk when pedestrians were less than a metre away. Rats are known to spread numerous diseases.
“This is really a big problem for us and our families. We have reported it to the municipality many times, but they just ignore our pleas for help,” says a resident, Mr Vuyisile Matlou, who lives near the illegal dumping sites.
Matlou showed the Herald photos of how he and his children had picked up rubbish in the open yard next to his house to try and contain the problem there. This open yard is just opposite the big dumping area. Although this resulted in the litterbugs dumping next to his house less frequently, they now throw more rubbish on the bigger open area. A councillor from the town, Ms Annett Venter, previously complained that some businesses also seemed to be throwing their rubbish there.
The Herald took the concerns to the Merafong City Local Municipality. “The matter will be investigated and attended to as soon as possible,” the spokesperson said.

Pedestrians, including school-children, regularly walk on a path through the open stands that have now become a rubbish dump.

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