
Family specially thanks Carletonville Hospital

A local family recently gifted the personnel of Carletonville Hospital to thank them for their work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Ms Tersia Lottering, her father was recently the first member of their family to test positive for Covid-19. Shortly afterwards, her mother also became ill.
“They were in isolation and their condition quickly deteriorated as their oxygen levels went down,” she says.
Both her parents had to be taken to Carletonville Hospital by ambulance and her mother is still being treated there.
“From the day they were admitted and I had to watch everything from the sideline, I could see the spirit of the personnel. Everyone works to stay positive for themselves and their patients, and then they still have to go home to their loved ones,” she says.
Lottering and her cousin, Hessie from Rustenburg, organised small appreciation gifts for the personnel, consisting of cupcakes and sweets, just to say thanks.
“They are humans, just like us, and also put their own lives on the line for our loved ones struggling through Covid. No one expected that a virus would disrupt our lives like this. But God is wonderful. He carries each and everyone through this difficult situation we find ourselves in,” she says.
Lottering has a special thank you to a male nurse who calls himself “Mr Cowboy”. He is always very positive, whether on the phone or with the patients.
“He is always, but always, smiling and answering the phone with… “Good day, from Ward 4. I am riding this wave like a cowboy!”
“You made my day that specific day when Covid came to visit my parents. You made everything better, Mr Cowboy. Thank you!” Lottering says.
“Our gifts are just small tokens of appreciation to our heroes on the frontline of this pandemic. Thank you; you are appreciated more than you will know.”

Some of the hospital personnel with their gifts.


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