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Tender out to manage Fochville’s rubbish headache

The Merafong City Local Municipality is in the process of addressing the refuse problems in Fochville.

Residents have been up in arms over the conditions at the Fochville waste transfer station behind the traffic department for some time. The facility has not been properly managed for years and has been burning, non-stop, for the past two months. Last week, Mr Vickus Pieters of Du Preez Street, complained about fellow residents throwing rubbish in the open veld opposite his home. “The municipality cannot act against such litterbugs because no one can get to the dumping site,” one of the many angry Fochville residents, Mr Corne van der Merwe, complained in return. By Monday, so much rubbish had been dumped alongside the road to the dump that only the bravest of motorists would venture through. There is a great likelihood that the rubbish in the road would damage a vehicle’s tyres. The problem has become so bad that the entrance to the gravel road from Munt Street is also covered in rubbish. Some of the refuse on the sides of the road and on the dump itself was still burning. The Herald asked the municipality how and when these problems would be addressed. “A tender notice has been issued. As soon as the service provider is appointed, the problems will be addressed,” a municipal spokes- person responded.

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