
Criminals place spikes on the road

"Awareness is your most effective defence."

GAUTENG.-  Fidelity ADT has issued a warning to all motorists that criminals are placing spikes and other objects in the road across Gauteng  to cause motorists to get a flat tyre or to cause vehicle damage, forcing them to stop their car.  Initially the trend started in the Pretoria area, but has since spread across  Gauteng.

According to an article in Business Tech 17 hotspots have been identified.

Charnel Hattingh Head of Marketing & communications for Fidelity ADT says, “The perpetrators who are often armed will then rob the driver and passengers of any valuables.

“In the Johannesburg area please be on the look out when travelling on the N12, N17, N3 Gillooly’s Interchange, N1 South, Golden Highway and on the R21.”

“Awareness is your most effective defence. We urge all motorists to drive carefully on these roads, especially at night, as they are often dark with few cars on the road. If you do become a victim, don’t stop your vehicle immediately, keep driving until you can stop your vehicle in a safer area.

We further advise motorists to install a reputable vehicle tracking device and a panic feature to alert friends, family and the authorities when you need help, says Hattingh.”

Hattingh offers the following safety tips:

  • Keep to a reasonable speed that is below the speed limit, especially at night and on dark roads. This will afford you more time to react to items left on the road to avoid hitting them. This includes wildlife and potholes
  • Always inform friends or family of your exact route and how long your trip should take
  • If you do get a flat tyre, it is better to slow down and drive to the nearest place of safety before changing the tyre – this could damage your wheel and possible your car but it is safer than stopping to change a tyre on a dark and abandoned road at night
  • Consider, if possible, to change to run-flat tyres which offer you a few extra kilometres of driving even with a flat tyre.

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