
Robbers hold Khutsong businessman at gunpoint

A shop owner was held at gunpoint during a business robbery in the Xhosa section of Khutsong at around 18:30 on 8 January.

A shop owner was held at gunpoint during a business robbery in the Xhosa section of Khutsong at around 18:30 on 8 January. The complainant alleges that he was inside the shop when five unknown men came in. One of the suspects took out a R2 coin, asking to buy a cigarette. When he was told that the cigarette costs R2.50 he did not want to take it, but reached for his pocket. The owner assumed that he was looking for more money, but the suspect took out a firearm instead. He pointed the firearm at the complainant and demanded money, threatening to shoot if the victim tried to shout. His accomplices went behind the counter and helped themselves to money, airtime, cigarettes, body sprays and a cellular phone. A customer who came into the shop was threatened at gunpoint before four of the suspects casually exited and strolled off in an unknown direction. The fifth one left the shop a few minutes later and also walked out casually as if nothing had happened. No assault took place during the incident and neither were any shots fired. Police are investigating a case of business robbery. There have been no arrests made as yet.

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