
Part of Reinecke Street a nightmare for pedestrians

Pedestrians and cyclists currently risk their lives when using a part of Reinecke Street in Carletonville.

The ward councillor, Mr Carlos Rebelo, says he has received various complaints that school children, especially, cannot pass through this area safely.

The part of Reinecke Street over the green belt canal near Coronation Street is of particular concern. In this area, the roadside is totally overgrown with small trees and bushes that are six-feet high. Although there used to be a sidewalk next to the street for pedestrians, this is now also completely overgrown.

Some of the grass and bushes have started growing onto the road surface, making the conditions even more dangerous. A small tree near the Coronation Street crossing also obscures the view of motorists who want to turn. There is no way for pedestrians or cyclists to move out of the way of motorists in their lane.

“The fact that many people speed in this area does not help matters,” says Rebelo.

Another thing that also affects safety in this area is that none of the street lights is working. The Herald took the matter to the Merafong City Local Municipality on Tuesday.

“We cannot use our trucks to cut the overgrown bushes as there are rocks and illegal dumping that could damage the trucks. They will need bush cutters to attend to this matter,” a municipal spokesperson responded.

However, the municipality said the broken street lights “would be reported,” and the tree near the crossing would be attended to within the next two weeks.

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