
Skydivers on the fly again

Although many other sports activities have been halted due to Covid-19, the Johannesburg Skydiving Club (JSC) in Carletonville is still active.

According to its chairperson, the Fochville resident, Eugene (Pottie) Potgieter, the club’s activities for the new year started on 9 January. The club currently has about 80 members, many of whom take to the skies from the club’s premises just outside Carletonville over weekends.
Last weekend, alone, there were about 220 descents by skydivers.
“The Civil Aviation Authority has laid down quite strict regulations that we have to adhere to. One of these is that all sky- divers must wear masks in the aeroplane,” says Potgieter.
Due to the regulations, there is, unfortunately, a limit to the number of spectators who can visit the club. Currently, visits by people who are not skydivers and want to relax at the club and watch the jumping is prohibited.
However, anyone who wants to skydive is welcome to contact the club through its Facebook page.
Potgieter says that although the national skydiving championships were scheduled to take place at the JSC in April and May this year, this big event will likely be postponed to sometime later the year.

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