
Road between Wedela and N12 temporary closed

The road between Wedela and the Wedela graveyard is temporarily closed today due to problems at a bridge just outside the town. This same road is the direct route between Wedela and the N12.

Police officers notified the Herald last year that a hole had caved in over storm water pipes under the bridge. Although the newspaper notified the municipality and provincial roads department, the problem was not attended to at the time.

According to a councillor, Mr Carlos Rebelo, disaster management assessed the condition of the road during the past week and found that a cavity between the road surface and culvert has created a risk of road failure with heavy vehicles and normal traffic.

The road was temporarily closed this afternoon so that the urgent maintenance can be done on the bridge. Harmony Gold is assisting with the repairs.

It is not sure how long the road will stay closed.


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