
Abuse of pets a big problem

The Carletonville SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has its hands full in dealing with cruelty to animals, especially dogs, in the area.

An inspector of the SPCA, Ms Elloise Rootman, says that while many owners take excellent care of their pets, some abuse them. The SPCA recently opened a case against an owner from Blyvoor who let their small dog suffer immensely without trying to help it. The friendly little dog’s leg got stuck on a sofa spring on 20 October. Despite the dog being injured, the owner only went to a vet for help five days later. When the leg still did not improve, they waited until Friday 6 November for treatment. By then, the little animal’s leg had broken off entirely. The dog was in severe pain as gangrene had set in, in what was left of the limb. The animal had to be put to sleep due to the severity of its injury. In another case, someone had left a dog in the drop-off cages at the SPCA’s kennels on 20 October. The animal was just skin and bone. “They never fed the dog,” says Mr Samuel Manjo, an SPCA employee who takes care of the dogs in the kennels. Against all odds, the dog showed an incredible spirit and started picking up weight when it was fed properly. It was also extremely friendly and playful, despite its ill-treatment. For this reason, the SPCA is trying to find a loving home for the animal. The organisation believes it deserves to know that not all humans are as cruel as its previous owner. Meanwhile, the SPCA reminds pet owners who are going on holiday for the festive season to book boarding places for their pets. In so doing, they can ensure that their furry friends will be safe and well looked after. Although the SPCA has already received bookings, there is still some space left. For more information, call the SPCA at 018 788 6262. The kennels in Beerster Street are open from 09:00 to 16:00 on weekdays and 08:00 to 11:00 on Saturdays.

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