
SPCA rescues tortoise from muti shop

Thanks to the help of alert security officers, the Carletonville SPCA rescued two tortoises last week.

One of the animals would probably have suffered a horrific death if it had not been found.
According to Mr Thomas du Preez of CPI, one of their clients called them at around 10:30 on Friday, 3 July, after she had bought a tortoise from some youngsters. They had repportedly come to her shop and asked whether she wanted to buy the pair of reptiles they had with them. Although the woman declined, they later returned. She paid for the tortoise to ensure its safety, after hearing that they had sold the other to a muti shop.
Du Preez immediately phoned the SPCA inspector, Mr DJ White, who rushed to the shop. He took the tortoise and started looking for the other one. After searching several muti shops in the area around the Carletonville taxi rank, they tracked the poor animal down.
Although it had not yet been mutilated for body parts, a hole had been drilled into its shell and a rope tied to it, to prevent it from wandering off.
The SPCA confiscated the tortoise on the spot and White took them both to the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital in Midrand on Monday. Here, they will be treated and rehabilitated to go back into the wild, if possible.
“These were mountain tortoises, which are indigenous wild animals. It is illegal to keep them as pets,” says White. He adds that anyone found with such an animal could receive a warning or even a hefty fine. It is also a criminal offence to sell such animals.
Unfortunately, even people who mean these creatures no harm, sometimes drill into their shells to prevent them from getting lost. According to the inspectors, this causes a lot of pain to the poor animals.
Meanwhile, the Carletonville SPCA still has kennels full of lovely pets needing loving new homes. As it is currently still chilly and all these animals have to be fed, donations of pet food and blankets are also welcome.
Anyone who needs more inform-ation can call the SPCA at 018 788 6262. Their kennels in Beerster Street are open on weekdays from 09:00 to 14:00.

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