
Morris gets a new lease on life

The Vaal is blessed with many animal activists of which Yvette Wilde just might be the most well-known. She has played a huge part in many furry friends’ lives. She is also the founder of 50 Shades of Spay, which aims to educate people on why it is of utmost importance to have cats and dogs spayed.

In addition to this, Yvette comes to the rescue of animals too.
The latest little soul who was in dire need of help (and was lucky enough to cross paths with angel Yvette) is now called Morris. He has been given a new lease on life as Yvette has a wonderful friend (another angel) in the form of Deoné Longstaff, who was willing to take him in.
This is his story in Yvette’s own words:
“Morris was found in the veld. He survived the cold. He survived starvation. He has few teeth. His body is covered in sores.
“He is small and thin. He itches and scratches himself until his skin bleeds.
“We thought he was old, but the vet confirmed that although he isn’t young, his aged look comes from neglect and malnutrition.
“He is just an unwanted little black dog and my friend, Deoné Longstaff, took him in to get him on the road to recovery. She does that…she gives the unwanted a chance at life. She mends what is broken and restores them to their former beauty.
“Our Annie (another animal rescue story with a happy ending) can attest to her mom’s giving heart. She sees them come and go. The animals come to Deoné broken and leave whole.
“So, I decided that because you have all been supporting the 50 Shades of Spay auctions so enthusiastically, we can afford to send him to the vet. He went and they took a skin sample to see what was causing the skin irritation. It seems it is just malnutrition.
“He left with a small arsenal of medication and we got Annie a Bravecto (a tick and flea remedy), seeing that Morris is sharing a bed with her.”
Deoné says it is too cute seeing the two of them cuddled up in bed with the electric blanket on (so oulik).
I wonder what this little guy thinks. A full tummy, a warm bed, a buddy and a foster mom with a big, kind heart.
Kindness…you can’t buy it…When it comes from the heart it makes the world a better place.
* Please go like the Baxter’s Bark & Breakfast page (home of our Annie who was also unwanted and now most loved). Follow Morris’ progress there.
Bacter’ Bark & Breakfast is a 5 Star pet hotel where you can book in your much-loved pets when you go away on holiday or a business trip –
visit their website:

Would you like to donate to the 50 Shades of Spay vet account?
Herewith the details:
Klipriver Vet
Ref: 50 and your name.

“In the arms of an angel”…little Morris and mom Deoné Longstaff who has taken him in. Photo: Facebook

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Morris gets a new lease on life

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