
Brave little girl’s operation successful

The operation to save the left eye of a little girl from Carletonville, Zanika Morton, was a success.

Zanika’s life changed forever when she tripped over her toy bag and fell with her head against the side of her parents’ bed on Wednesday, 25 March. After visits to various specialists and two operations, it was determined that Zanika had permanently lost the sight in her eye.
A third operation was done last Friday to save Zanika’s eye, as the shape of her eyeball had started changing as a result of the injury.
Doctors explained that the eyeball is the only organ that stays the same size from birth and that your facial features develop around it. Zanika’s damaged eyeball was shrinking because it was not getting enough oxygen after the accident. Consequently, her whole face would distort and her eyelid had already started sagging.

According to her mom, Anika, the doctor and professor who handled Friday’s operation believed it was a huge success. The procedure, called a “dermis fat transplant”, entailed removing a small section of Zanika’s eye. They then removed a piece of fat from the little girl’s buttock near her hip and planted it over her eye.

They then put a round cover over the fat and stitched her eyelids together. The eye will have to stay closed like this for the next month. The biggest danger is that Zanika’s eye may get infected after the operation.
She says Zanika has slept well every night since the operation and saw the doctor again on Tuesday. He reiterated his relief that everything was going well.
They have to go back in two week. Anyone who wishes to contribute towards the family’s medical expenses can make payments into the account named *Zanika Morton*, Capitec Bank, Ac Num: 1713127251, Branch Code: 470010.

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