
Safety tips for when there are power outages

The West Rand District Municipality’s fire department says there are some things residents can do to keep themselves and their families safe during load shedding.

1. Always have a fire extinguisher nearby. Make sure you know how to operate it and that it is serviced.
2. When using LPG for cooking or lighting, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Never use an LPG cylinder on top of or closer than 300 mm from any stove or any other source of heating.
3. Install smoke detectors in all the rooms and corridors.
4. Always keep a few battery torches in a place where they are easily accessible.
5. You can also install battery- operated lights in strategic areas inside your home and outdoors. These can be connected to the electricity supply, so they switch on when power is lost from the mains.
6. Consider any electrical connection as live during a power outage as power can return at any time.
7. When using candles, ensure that they can’t fall over, do not place them near curtains or bedding or other combustible materials. Make sure that children can’t reach the candle or the matches. Do not leave candles unattended.
8. When using a generator, ensure that it is outside.
The electrical connections from the generator to the building must be made by a qualified electrician.
Never refuel the generator while it is running.
9. Make sure your alarm system is serviced regularly and working properly.
Also, ensure that the battery is functional.
10. Always remain vigilant.

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