
‘Pastor’ helps to steal laptops

The police in Carletonville are warning residents to be on the lookout for a thief pretending to be a pastor.

According to WO Peter Masooa, the communications officer of the police in Carletonville, a businessman was busy in his office on 25 July when a neatly-dressed man walked in. “The man introduced himself as a pastor,” says Masooa.
The stranger told the businessman he was looking for someone who sells steel. Knowing of such a company just down the road, the businessman ushered him out of the office. He directed the man from the back door of another unit. When he returned, however, he found that the three laptops that had been on his table were missing.
The police suspect that the “pastor” was an accomplice to the suspects who stole the laptops while the businessman was out.

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