
Cell phone thief arrested in Oberholzer

A thief got more than he had bargained for when the police arrested him shortly after he stole a man’s cell phone last week.

According to the police spokesperson, WO Peter Masooa, the incident happened at around 01:15 on 13 April.
The victim had just come from a nearby pub and was standing around on the corner of Van Zyl Smit and Eggo Jan streets. Suddenly, an unknown man came up to him, grabbed the pockets of his jacket and kicked him in the stomach with his right knee. The victim staggered backwards and suddenly noticed that his black Samsung G8 cell phone was missing. He ran after the man and asked him to give it back. The suspect denied that he had the phone but started running towards the offices of the Department of Home Affairs when the victim’s friends came to his rescue.
The victim and his friends caught up with the man, who then threw the stolen cell phone down.
The men called the police to the scene and they arrested the perpetrator.

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